We are a group of residents who said "enough" with the illegal dumping and litter on our streets and banded together to pick up trash from our neighborhood, prevent illegal dumping, remove graffiti and keep our community safe. Beautification at its best!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

  Thank you to my wonderful cousin for spending a day of his vacation picking up trash with us!  As always, it is a pleasure to have him in town.  When he returmed home, he was so generous as to send a box stuffed full of work gloves for the Beautification Crew.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

6 Blocks and Counting

We have been trying to expand our efforts to surrounding blocks to make a more significant impact on our neighborhood.  We are excited to report that six neighbors on the 500-600 block of Irving have joined us to keep our neighborhood clean.  With this new manpower, this weekend all of us were able to clean Irving and Kenyon St from Sherman to Park Place, the most ground we've covered to date.  Thank you 610 Kenyon! 

Again, more dumping in our alley.  At least we found mail with addresses in the dumped trash.   The usual suspects.

Monday, May 3, 2010

You Are Not Alone

At the behest of neighbors from the 500-600 block of Irving, I checked out the alley behind their house.  It's safe to say that we're not the only ones with dumping problems.  In that alley, the rats live in the lap of luxury and lounge on old mattresses.

3112 Warder, which appears to be abandoned, has invited illegal dumping behind it.  In the front,  broken and boarded up windows.  In the back, shown below, someone has dumped a couch and chair.

