We are a group of residents who said "enough" with the illegal dumping and litter on our streets and banded together to pick up trash from our neighborhood, prevent illegal dumping, remove graffiti and keep our community safe. Beautification at its best!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Explosion of Graffiti in our Neighborhood

The number of tags in our neighborhood has at least tripled in the last month.   I assumed that owners would quickly clean this mess from their properties, but instead this vandalism has remained.  By its very presence, it attracts more graffiti and fosters an environment comfortable for criminals.  Something must be done about this disturbing trend.  Not only do the taggers need to be caught but also the city needs to press property owners to clean up tagging on their property.

527 Irving St NW

709 Irving St NW

633 Irving St NW
 4. 3101 Georgia Avenue NW
3101 Georgia Avenue NW

703 Irving St NW

709 Irving St NW

700 block of Irving at Bruce Monroe Park

3101 Sherman on corner of Irving.  Tags are on back of building.

Last house on 700 block of Irving St NW

Last house on the 700 block of Irving St NW

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