The vacant lot in the middle of our alley (3049 0081 or 3100 Park Place NW) has been the center of illegal dumping, rat infestation, drug dealing, and breeding ground for mosquitoes for at least a decade. It's remarkable how one blighted property can bring down a neighborhood. Between 2005-2008, it housed a pile of cement rubble that served as a rat fortress and also as a junkyard for abandoned cars.
This was the lot in June of 2009 before we cleaned it |
This is the type of decay the lot breeds. The piles of dumping and the furniture were used by drug dealers as stash spots. |
Part of the contents of three purses we found dumped by the lot this past summer |
Dumped construction debris adjacent to the lot |
Dime bag in the lot. We've found many of these as well as a handful of used needles |
Another dime bag |
The state of the lot has created an environment that fosters decay and dumping not only inside the lot but in the adjacent public spaces. Even many of the neighbors have taken to putting their trashcans on the perimeter of the lot--who is going to say anything to them? The previous owner lived in Ft. Washington, MD and never visited the property and allowed the weeds to grow literally into trees. In fact, the weeds were so bad in 2009 that one of the neighbors had to use a machete to chop them down. The new owner lives in Falls Church, so we'll see if he'll be met with the same fines for neglect as the previous one. One thing is for sure: we are not going to let our neighborhood go back to its previous state because of this vacant lot.
Check out how high that grass is. I believe this picture was taken in March. |
Dumping adjacent to the lot |
Dumping next to the lot |
Dumping adjacent to the lot |
As the pictures show, we have quite a challenge on our hands. With our diligence and the support of CM Graham, DPW Director Howland and Inspector Mines, the Green Team, DCRA, and the beloved Green Team, we've made some headway over the past two years. We know that this is an unending effort and the moment we turn our back, the problems will return. We refuse to let that happen.
A member of the Green Team helping clean our alley this summer |
Some Members of the Park View Beautification Crew |